Process J - A Concurrent Language

The ProcessJ Language

ProcessJ (Java-style Occam) is a brand new language which fuses two very important features from two existing programming languages: The process orientated design methodology (including channels, barriers, mobile processes etc.) from occam [] and the well known syntax of Java [].

The reason for the development of ProcessJ is mainly to try to push process oriented development. We believe that process orientation is the best way to program fine grained parallelism; especially when dealing with multi-core architectures, which are becoming increasingly popular.

The design of ProcessJ follows the following simple thesis: Attempt to provide the functionality of occam-pi but use a Java style (i.e., 100% match java if possible, else adopt the Java style for new constructs).

With the popularity of multi-core architectures this naturally remains a target for a process oriented language like ProcessJ, but in addition, we intend to provide multiple back-ends to the compiler; in particular, we are working on a C with MPI code generator, which lets your take advantage of process oriented design principles and language features as well as a distributed runtime environment. Other targets that are planned include java bytecode for portability reasons.

1 ProcessJ Examples

Although the development of ProcessJ is still in its early stages, the syntax is more or less determined. Here is an example of a piece of occam code with an ALT and an extended rendez-vous:

	      PROC foo(CHAN OF INT in1?,
	               CHAN OF INT in2?, CHAN OF INT out!)
	            INT y:
	            in1 ? y
		      out ! y
		    INT y:
		    in2 ? y
		      out ! y
		  INT y:
		  in1 ?? y
		    out ! y

which in ProcessJ would look like this:

	      proc void foo(chan<int>.read in1,
                            chan<int>.read in2,
                            chan<int>.write out) {
	        int y;
		alt {
		  y = : {
		  y = : {
		y ={ out.write(y); });

The ProcessJ code is much closer to the well-known Java syntax, and in addition to having { } constructs, the keywords are no longer set in capitals, and indentation no longer matters.

We believe that this will prove to be a good motivator for learning process oriented design and programming.

2 The building blocks of ProcessJ

2.1 Data Types

In the spirit of keeping ProcessJ close to Java with respect to syntax, we have chosed to use the Java atomic type system, rather than that of occam.

2.1.1 Atomic Types

In Java, the atomic types are: boolean, byte, short, char, int, float, long, double. ProcessJ uses the same names, but in addition, string is an atomic type (ProcessJ does not have the notion of objects, and since Java implements strings as an object, this seemed necessary).

In addition to the regular atomic types, ProcessJ has an additional number (currently 2) of atomic types inherited from occam. The first is a timer type, which in reality is the reading end of a timing process that is always willing to engage in communication. The second is a barrier type, which is a special construct that defines a full barrier. Processes enrolled (using the keyword enroll, which can be prefixed by a par or a for-loop, if needed) on a barrier can synchronize on it by using the sync keyword.

2.1.2 Type constructors

Java has but two type constructors, namely classes and arrays. Since ProcessJ is not object oriented we do not have the notion of classes or objects, but we do have arrays; arrays in ProcessJ look and behave similarly to their Java cousins. Only a few differences exist:

  • The syntax for declaring a ProcessJ array requires the [..] to be placed on the type and not on the name of the variable/parameter.
  • Empty dimensions are allowed only on parameters or on variables if assigned an array value whose dimensions can be determined at compile time.
  • Java only allows for array constants at variable declaration time. ProcessJ treats array constants like any other constant.
  • A number of useful array operations like size must be made available; we haven't determined if a size of an array should be accessed as
    	   s = array.size
    or as
    	   s = size(array)
    At the moment the first one is favoured.
  • occam implements array slicing, we have not yet determined if we are going to support this in ProcessJ.

Records are not found in Java (Records can be implemented as classes without any methods), but since we do not have classes in ProcessJ, it is necessary to have at least records available. An example of a record ld be:

	      type record myRecord {
	        int a;
		double d;

Like arrays, records constant values. An example of a constant value of the above record could be

	       myRecord{4, 5.7}

An additional two type constructors exist, namely protocol and process types. A protocol determines which types a channel can carry; We have not determined the exact syntax for protocols as of yet. a process type, or a proc type looks like this:

	       type proc is (.....);

where ..... is a list of formal parameters of a process definition. A process definition is needed when implementing mobile processes, not only for specifying that a mobile process' declarations 'implements' this process type, but also for specifying the type that travels across the channels that will carry the mobile when it is in its suspended state (i.e., not executing).

Room for discussion: arrays are not declared using the type word array, whereas records are.

2.2 Declarations

2.2.1 Constants

In Java the concept 'constant' does not exist explicitly; instead, a final field cannot be assigned to, so in effect, it behaves like a constant; However, it is not possible to declare local constants within a method.

In occam a constant is prefixed the keyword VAL; VAL constants can be local as well as parameters.

In ProcessJ we have decided to call a spade a spade and simply use the word const. Constants can be declared at the top level, along with the type declarations; as well as be formal parameters, and local. If a constant is defined locally or globally it must be intialized at declaration time:

	       const int WORKING_TIME = 100000;

whereas when used as a formal we could have:

	       proc void foo(const int i) { ... }

2.2.2 Local and Parameters

A local or a parameter in ProcessJ is declared in the exact same was as in Java:

	       [<modifiers>] <type> [<array_dims>] name [ = initializer]

where currently the only two modifiers we have are const, used for declaring a constant (which then requires the initializer to be present), and mobile used to declare the variable as holding a mobile type.

2.2.3 Channel Declarations

Channels are a new concept not found in Java, but plays an integral role in occam, and for that matter, in any process oriented design. A channel carries values of a certain type in one direction, from or or more senders to one or more receivers (channels can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many). If a channel is has many senders or many receivers (or both) was say that it is shared. When declaring channels we must declare which end of it is shared, and also specify the type that it carries. For example:

	       shared write chan<Agent_message> report

declares a channel called report, which carries values of the Agent_message type, and is shared on the writing end (i.e., it can have multiple writers. When a channel is declared shared, it must be claimed by a process before it can be written to/read from. (More about claim later)

In addtion, we have channel-end types and expressions as well. A channel-end type is simply a channel type followed by a .read or a .write, indicating which end of a channel type we are interested in. Likewise, if a variable contains a whole channel, and not just a channel-end, .read and .write can be specified. If a read() operation is applied to a whole channel, the read end is automatically picked. The same holds for the write() operation.

2.3 Statements

In the tradition of keeping the syntax as close to Java as possible, the majority of statements in ProcessJ have the same syntactical structure as statements in Java.

  • Assignment

  • Java alows assignment like a = b = c = 6;, and occam allows assignments like a,b,c = 7,5,d. Either type can cause aliasing problems, but at the moment ProcessJ only supports a single assignment per =, though we will probably end up supporting both types of assignment, but not a mixture (That would probably not be syntactically viable anyhow!).

  • Choice

  • ProcessJ will support Java-style if statements, both with and without an else clause. Whether a ternary expression will be supported has not yet been determined. We might introduce an elseif keyword, but that is only a thought at the moment.
    Java-style switch/case statements will be implemented in ProcessJ, and in addition we might implement the case statement of occam that allows to switch on a channel read. The extension to Java's switch statement then would require that the case labels can be not only integral constants, but also union constants.

  • Repetition

  • Java currently has standard for, do, and while loops, in addition to iterators. ProcessJ will implement do and while loops according to the standard Java syntax; for loops are a little more difficult as the occam equivalent is somewhat different in that a for loop can be prefixed with the par construct, allowing for the body of the loop to be done in parallel. This would ultimately require some analysis of the body of the loop, or a pre execution of the loop to determine the index set. This is only possible if the body of the loop cannot change the variables that are used in the loop condition. Since we do not allow global variables, and use a call-by-value call semantics, it should be reasonbly simple analyze the assignments of the body to assure that if the loop is to be executed in parallel no loop variables may be re-assigned. An example of how to do this has been provided by Neil Brown and works as follows:
    		 par for (i=,j=0;i<100;i+=2,j=j+2*i)
    would require the index set
    		 (i,j) = [(0,0), (2,4), (4,12) ...]
    to be pre-computed, and then the statements executed in parallel over this index set.
    As far as iterators, we have not made any decissions at all.

  • Blocks and par

  • occam provides both a PAR and a SEQ construct. Examples are:
    		   a := 5
    		   b := 7
    		   a := 5
    		   b := 7
    where the assignments in the SEQ block are done in sequence (i.e., sequentially), and the assignments in the PAR block are done in parallel. In ProcessJ there is no need for the SEQ construct, as by default, everything is done sequentially, so a simple Java block using { and } is sufficient. In ProcessJ a block prefixed by the par keyword will be a parallel block.

  • Communication

  • The notion of channel communication does not exist in Java; this is 100% inherited from occam. Thus this requires a brand new Java-like syntax. In occam a channel can be read or written in the following way:
    		 in ? x
    		 out ! x
    The first statement reads a value from the in channel into x and the second writes the same value to the out channel.
    The suggested syntax for joccam is as follows:
    		 x =;
    Though ProcessJ does not have objects, we chose this 'method invocation' style to stay close to something Java programmers know.
    Extended rendez-vous in occam (a construct where the writer/sender is not released from the synchronous call until the code in the extended rendez-vous block has been executed) look like this (If more than one process must be executed in the rendez-vous block a PAR or a SEQ block is needed):
    		 in ?? x
    		     out ! x
    		     out ! x
    this, in ProcessJ, would look like this:
    		 x ={out.write(x); out.write(x);});
    Alternatively the rendez-vous block could be prefixed a par.

  • Barriers

  • A barrier in occam is an atomic typed, and also so in ProcessJ. Barriers are declared, enrolled on, synchronizes on and temporarily resigned from in the following way:
    		barrier b;
    		enroll(b) {
    		resign(b) {
    Alternatively a par can be placed in front of the enroll statement. Barriers can also be passed as parameters to function.

  • skip and stop

  • Both skip (which is a no-operations process), and stop (which is a process that refuses to engage in any action, thus deadlocking the process) exist only in occam. Typically skip can be replaced by a ; in Java, but both are statements in ProcessJ.

  • Mobile invocation, suspension, and resumption

  • The concept of mobiles does not exist in Java, but is the latest extension to occam-pi. There are two classes of mobiles: mobile channels and mobile processes. For now we shall restrict ProcessJ to have mobile processes, and we will later return to the mobile channels (and mobile channel bundles, as well as issues with arrays of mobile).

2.4 Expressions

Expressions in ProcessJ (except the addition of channel reads and timer reads) are similar to Java expression.

3 Modularity

For ProcessJ to be a proper language some sort of modularity and import/include mechanism must be provided. The Java package model is slightly complicated to implement, and relies somewhat on the object oriented aspects of the language. Occam uses an include statement on a per file basis; something is much easier to implement. For joccam we shall stick tothe occam way and simply include files as needed.

4 I/O

To come later

5 Java Call Backs

To come later

6 Multiple Back-ends