Process J - A Concurrent Language


To install ProcessJ on your system, simply download this bash install script. If the compiler should be accessible to everyone on the system, it is recommended that the admin or root user performs the installation. The installer will suggest /opt/ProcessJ as the install location - this is a good place to install it, but not a requirement. In addition, the installer can produce links for both the compiler and the runtime in, e.g., /usr/local/bin/ for everyone to access.

For a user to use the ProcessJ compiler a working directory is needed. To correctly setup an installation for a particular user run the pjuserinstall script located in the ProcessJ directory (typically /opt/ProcessJ/pjuserinstall). This will generate a config file called .pjconfig and a working directory.



To compile a ProcessJ program invoke the compile script (pjc). Invoking the compiler with the -help flag gives the following output:

    usage: pjc [-I dir] [-pp language] [-t language] input
      -I dir Sets the include directory (default is include)
      -t	 Sets the target language.
             language can be one of:
             C: C source is generated, compiled and linked with the CCSP runtime.
             JVM: JVM class files are generated and a packaged jar file is created.
             JS: JavaScript is generated. (not working)
C++: C++ source code is generated and compiled into an executable. -help Prints this message.

The include directory specified with the -I option overrides the default include directory which is set to be the Include subdirectory of the ProcessJ directory. The ProcessJ compiler supports a number of backends, or targets. Currently the JVM is the only stable target. 


To run a ProcessJ program compiled with the C or the C++ target option, simply run the generated executable. To run a ProcessJ program compiled with the JVM option, use the pj run script installed in the same directory as the pjc compiler script. To run a generated MyFile.jar file, simply type 'pj MyFile' - without the .jar extension.